Friday, August 1, 2014

Picket Media DAY 20 Done... "the power of ten"

Confirming the apathy of man....

one day others will join.  I have BEEN holding my breath, but I'm going to have to take a breath....a  real big one....if I am to continue.  

I shall...I have the rest of my life.

What media terrorist see 10 feet off from their employee gate entrance..

Sampson Ramirez....a committed Patriot, Salute..

 As the low level media terrorists leave and enter their parking lot....I'm there to remind them they HAVE responsibilities as "journalists."
The Tucson Refugee storage center is located just 2/10ths of a mile from KVOA-nbc's affiliate I picket every two weeks. See the Power of it with your state, i.e. "arizona power of ten" any state you need to join us....power in numbers...Over 200 stored, no trespassing signs...etc.


1 comment:

  1. Time 2 #marchONtheMEDIA #picketmedia #powerOFten
    ten people rotating, once every ten days-saturate local media outlets
